the kamsutra clinic
Creating a better tomorrow

We can help you to achieve the best Sex Life.

Get comfortable communicating about your sexual health. So we can create a better tomorrow.

Disease & Conditions

Premature Ejaculation / शीघ्रपतन

Penis enlargement procedures are being performed around the globe for some years now, but only a very few physicians are capable of professionally taking care of these treatment methods.

Erectile Dysfunction / नपुंसकता

Penis enlargement procedures are being performed around the globe for some years now, but only a very few physicians are capable of professionally taking care of these treatment methods.

Female Factor Infertility / महिला बांझपन

Night fall or wet dream is the problem of automatic ejaculation of semen when the person is asleep. Ejaculation usually accompanied by erotic dream, but sometimes it may be without any dreams.

Male Factor Infertility / पुरुष बांझपन

Determining the root cause of infertility is a complex process, and it involves a lot of research and investigations. Infertility, in both men and women, has become quite common these days.

Low Libido / कम कामेच्छा

Determining the root cause of infertility is a complex process, and it involves a lot of research and investigations. Infertility, in both men and women, has become quite common these days.

Penis Size / लिंग का आकार

A combination of stretching and strengthening exercises can help to increase girth size. Stretching exercises such as pelvic tilt, lunges, and squats are all effective for increasing girth size.

Male Sexual Problems / पुरुष यौन समस्याएं

Determining the root cause of infertility is a complex process, and it involves a lot of research and investigations. Infertility, in both men and women, has become quite common these days.

Female Sexual Problems / महिला यौन समस्याएं

Male sexual problems refer to any phase which doesn’t lead to satisfaction in the sexual activity. A serious issue which must be consulted with a male sex issue doctor, but almost all the men are hesitant to approach them.

Premarital counseling / विवाह पूर्व परामर्श

Premarital counselling is a therapy which helps to prepare the couples mentally for marriage. The counselling helps to make sure that you and your spouse can have a strong and healthy relationship throughout your life. Premarital counselling helps to improve a couple's relationship before marriage.

Why Choose Us

We are on the side of humanity.

THE KAMSUTRA CLINIC is a one-stop solution for the betterment of MALE and FEMALE SEXUAL HEALTH, containing all facilities under one roof. We believe in upholding the highest standards of medical ethics and to put the best of our efforts. Our primary value is “The needs of the patients come first”.


Founder & CEO

Certified SEX Counselor and Sex therapist Trained





Our Promise

We, At THE KAMSUTRA CLINIC ,not only promises you SEXUAL WELLNESS but also to give you a HEALTHY BODY with POSITIVE MINDSET & RESPECTFUL TO YOURSELF. The aim is to transform not only the sex life of our patient, but also his whole life in general with our 2+ years of experience. We will help you with the best of the available treatment options and protect your personal & medical information. We provide our patients with the peace of mind that their care is delivered in the settling of trusting and caring relationship with 100% of satisfaction.


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the kamsutra clinic

Working as a Sexual Health Expert, We aims to eradicate Sexual Problems and Diseases from its root Cause and origin.

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